Junior Membership (18 years and younger) includes:
Free breeder directory listing on the HLC website
Free classified ads on the HLC website
A feature in Genesis, our newsletter and on the HLC Facebook page on your flock, herd and/or 4H activities
Annual copy of Genesis (e-version)
Four e-newsletters of The Moos per year
Access to our HLC member Facebook page
Assistance from our advisors on specific breed traits, husbandry and management.
Swine, Canadian horse, Dairy and Beef cattle semen available upon application
Junior Membership (18 years and younger) includes:
Free breeder directory listing on the HLC website
Free classified ads on the HLC website
A feature in Genesis, our newsletter and on the HLC Facebook page on your flock, herd and/or 4H activities
Annual copy of Genesis (e-version)
Four e-newsletters of The Moos per year
Access to our HLC member Facebook page
Assistance from our advisors on specific breed traits, husbandry and management.
Swine, Canadian horse, Dairy and Beef cattle semen available upon application