Genesis Magazine
Genesis, the Journal of Heritage Livestock Canada.
Genesis, the journal of Heritage Livestock Canada has been a constant since the first issue was published in 1986. Genesis continues to create awareness about the fate of heritage breeds. Whilst being a wonderful resource for our members.
Submitting articles and advertising in Genesis, helps us to continue publishing into the future.
Submit An Article
Our writers are the farmers, smallholders, breeders and, ranchers that raise, work and love the heritage breeds in their lives. Personal, informative and general articles are all welcomed. If an article has been used by another publication, please let us know which publication and when.
Research, breed profiles, farming practises involving heritage breeds, feeding, production, hands-on-information and invention articles are all welcomed.
A feature length article is approximately 1500-2000 words and a general article 500.
Please email submissions in a word format.
We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity and content.
All photos must be your own. If they are not your own, you must send written permission for the use of the photographs. Please also ensure there is no publication fee associated with photos.
Submission Deadline: September 1st 2023
Advertise in Genesis
All advertisements are in colour.
Full Page - $135
1/2 Page - $ 80
1/4 Page - $ 60
Business Sized Card Ad - $25
Submission Deadline: September 1st 2022
Payment can also be made by etransfer: office.heritagelivestockcanada@gmail.com or cheque.
The Moos
Articles are welcome to be submitted for the quarterly e-newsletter.
Articles can be up to 500 words. Content can range from breed profiles, farm profiles, husbandry tips to personal perspectives.
Submission Deadlines for 2023: July 31st and November 30th.