Since 1987, we have worked to conserve heritage breeds.
About Us
Dream it.
It all began with an idea. Inspired by the foundation of Rare Breeds Survival Trust and Seed Savers, Jy Chiperzak founded Joywinds Farm: Rare Breeds Conservancy in 1987. Jy saw the need to preserve not only rare livestock breeds, but also the genetic diversity within agricultural breeds as a whole. His vision included maintaining a semen bank to hold valuable genetics for the future, whilst also conserving animals on the ground. During this time the first issues of Genesis (the publication of HLC) were printed
Build it.
As time moved on and the conservancy grew, the charity underwent a name change to Rare Breeds Canada. The RBC Host Farm Program was dominant at the time and helped to preserve both the Newfoundland and Ojibwe ponies for future generations. Members also started to frequently attend fairs. Our breed conservation list was also continually updated to maintain a pulse on purebred, registered livestock in Canada.
Grow it.
To better reflect our mandate and mission, RBC was renamed Heritage Livestock Canada in 2018. Since then we have worked to save the last remaining Lacombe in Canada, maintained and added both swine and horse semen to our gene bank. Whilst introducing new and innovative ideas, such as our virtual show.
Our Mandate
To be a centre for the study and conservation of heritage breeds of farm livestock
To educate the public about the importance of heritage breeds of livestock
To promote generally among the public the need for conservation and study of heritage breeds of livestock
To encourage the breeding, raising and dealing in heritage breeds of livestock
We also strongly believe in the next generation of heritage livestock breeders, as such we offer a 4H incentive each year. Participants who complete their 4H project using a heritage breed (as defined on our conservation list) are given $25 each, promotion in Genesis, our Facebook page and website.
Breed Conservation List
Our mandate is shaped by the breeds on Heritage Livestock Canada’s conservation list. The conservation list is comprised of registered purebreds of each species: Beef/Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Draft/Light Horses/Ponies and Donkeys.
Breeds must have continually been in Canada for 50 years at least to be placed on the list. Many of the breeds on our conservation list such as the Kerry, Fjord Horse, Cleveland Bay, White Park and Cotswold have a rich and lengthy history.
We also pay special attention to Canadian breeds: Lynch Lineback, Shaver Beefblend, Hays Converter, Canadienne, Chantecler, Ridley Bronze, Lacombe, Canadian Horse, Ojibwe (formerly Lac La Croix) Ponies and Newfoundland Ponies.
Some of the breeds listed with us are internationally rare and on the brink of extinction globally - the Tamworth pig being a prime example.
You can make a difference too. Membership in Heritage Livestock Canada is $50 per year or $500 for a Lifetime Membership. Membership includes
Free breeder directory listing on the HLC website
Annual Copy of Genesis
Four e-newsletters per year
The opportunity to connect with other HLC enthusiasts through our HLC member Facebook page
Free classified ads on the HLC website
Assistance from our advisors on specific breed traits, husbandry and management.
Swine, Canadian horse, Dairy and Beef cattle semen available upon application.